Diving deeply into integrated landscape management in Alto Malleco, Chile and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
As part of her Master’s field work, CEWG member, Abby Hart, spent two months of the summer of 2014 with two landscape management initiatives. The two initiatives are part of the International Model Forest network. Her goal was to dive deeply into the experiences of these two initiatives to learn exactly how collaborative landscape management is working and what stakeholders are able to achieve through a landscape approach. She is especially thankful to members of the Araucarias del Alto Malleco and Prince Albert Model Forests who made her visits possible. The interviews and participant observation from her visits to the field will provide the core data for her Masters thesis, which she hopes to complete by the summer of 2015.
Stay tuned for articles and more resulting from this work! You can read more about her visit to Araucarias del Alto Malleco Model Forest in Chile in this blog post.