Continental reviews of integrated landscape initiatives in Africa, Latin America and Asia
For the last two years, members of the Ecoagriculture Working Group and a host of partners have been conducting a series of continental reviews which aim to establish a broad base of knowledge on integrated landscape initiatives (ILIs), complex initiatives founded on multiple objectives and multi-stakeholder collaboration. The study aims to answer a set of questions on the context and characteristics of ILIs, the challenges they address, the activities they invest in, the stakeholder groups and sectors that participate in them and the outcomes they are achieving related to production, conservation, livelihoods and institutional planning and coordination. Each continental review involves two phases of research. The first includes analysis of surveys conducted with leaders of ILIs in each of the three continents. The second phase is based on in-depth interviews conducted with multiple stakeholders from subset of the initiatives surveyed in the first phase.
The first phase of both the Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) reviews have been published and are available online. The first phase of continental reviews of Asia and Europe are currently underway.
The second phases of the Africa and LAC reviews are nearly complete. We are hoping to have publications out by the end of 2014.
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